Submit Your Request to Be a Guest
Guest Booking Request

Looking forward to talking to you about guest opportunity on Northwest Book Talk.
Filling out the form is step one for consideration.
Would you make a good guest?
- You are an author, book coach, book publisher, store seller, etc., in the Pacific Northwest. [Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Alaska & Montana]
- You have an interesting story or book marketing adventure to share.
- You are active in promoting your book or work on social media or with other actions and will share your interview to your following.
- If an author, your book has been professionally edited, proofed and has a great cover. (Note: A new book is published every 11 seconds and almost 11,000 every day. I am looking for PNW books that the author has put in time, effort and professionalism to make it the best it can be.
Basic Audio Setup
You have a separate microphone and earphones, or a headset connected to your computer to use for the recording.
Smartphones will work too. 🙂
😠 Computer audio and speakers will not give the quality needed for the recording. It may sound ok to you but it sounds like 😒crap on the radio. When I start to edit it – if it sounds bad, I am not going to waste my time trying to fix it.
Once you fill out the form and get a response from me, I ask, if you are an author to please send a print copy of your book.
Note: Only send your book after you hear back from me to:
Patty Grasher
Northwest Book Talk
6102 NE Hazel Dell Ave
Vancouver, WA 98665
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